With a photovoltaic system installed on the roof of the house, you can power the whole building with electricity produced independently and cleanly. This means no more high bills and a substantial reduction of polluting emissions into the atmosphere. Is it always possible to install the panels freely? To dispel any doubts, we wanted to clarify once and for all and specify which are the cases in which special authorizations are needed to install the photovoltaic system.
The installation, repair, replacement, and renewal of solar and photovoltaic panels serving a building, to be carried out outside restricted areas (referred to in the Decree of the Minister of Public Works n. 1444 of 2 April 1968) are exempt from the approval by the municipality.
In particular, it is possible to proceed freely, without authorization, for the installation of:
- solar panels (thermal or photovoltaic) serving individual buildings, were placed on flat roofs so as not to be visible from external public spaces;
- solar panels (thermal or photovoltaic) serve individual buildings, provided they are integrated into the configuration of the roofs, or placed in adherence to the roofs of the buildings with the same inclination and the same orientation of the roof of the buildings, according to art. 7-bis of the legislative decree 3 March 2011, n. 28, not falling among those referred to in art. 136, paragraph 1, letters b) and c) of the legislative decree 22 January 2004, n. 42
According to the provisions of Presidential Decree 31/2017, the rules relating to the request for landscape authorization envisaged for photovoltaic installation interventions in areas subject to landscape protection have been amended (Legislative Decree 42/2004).
Here’s What They Are:
- Immovable things that have conspicuous characteristics of natural beauty or geological singularity;
- Villas, gardens, and parks that stand out for their uncommon beauty;
- Complexes of immovable things that make up a characteristic aspect having an aesthetic and traditional value (e.g. historical center);
- Panoramic beauties are considered paintings and so are those points of view or belvedere, accessible to the public, from which one can enjoy the spectacle of those beauties.
However, compared to a few years ago, the procedure is now more streamlined.
The application must be submitted electronically using a unified form. The document must be accompanied by a simplified landscape report drawn up by a qualified technician containing:
- The indication of the preceptive contents of the landscape discipline in force in the area
- A description of the current state of the area affected by the intervention
- A certificate of compliance of the project with the specific prescriptions for the use of landscape assets, if any
- A description of the compatibility of the project itself with the landscape values that qualify the reference context
- Indication of any envisaged landscape integration measures
The process must therefore be completed within a maximum of 60 days from the submission of the request.
The limitations on the installation of photovoltaic panels can be summed up with a single rule, which applies to everyone: it must be possible to guarantee zero visual impact or perfect architectural integration of the panels on the roof.
If you manage to comply with the provisions and ensure that the system is seen as little as possible, you will finally be able to enjoy the advantages of installing photovoltaics on the roof of your home.…
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