Tips To Create A Dream Garden

Before beginning any reform in the garden that you already have, it is important that you carry out a project to design and create the garden that you want, and divide it into several phases to capture all your ideas.

If you do not have experience in gardening, you must seek advice from someone who understands landscapes and interprets each of your needs, to later accommodate them aesthetically and manage them efficiently, always taking into account your purchasing power.

Look at photos of gardens in books, magazines, the internet, or tour nurseries to find out more ideas that you can carry out in your garden.

Avoid buying plants just because you think they are beautiful for your garden while you have not defined the style of it and the decoration it will have. It could happen that the plants do not look as you imagined or that due to the weather conditions they are not the most suitable for your green space.

What Plants To Grow In The Garden?

Designing a garden with many plants or a terrace with your favorite flowers can be a luxury. Alegrias, petunias, begonias, geraniums, and daisies are excellent combinations to place in your pots.

An excellent investment could also be the purchase of different bulbs, which will give the garden a lot of color for several years.

Remember that the ideal season to grow these plants is late winter and early spring, while in the middle of the spring season, plants with orange and yellow flowers will be ideal, as well as orchids, hyacinths, lilies, lilies, and bromeliads.

Avoid planting all the plants together in the ground or else they will become malformed as they grow and pests can spread between them. For this reason, it is essential that you always leave a space between each plant and that the irrigation is not excessive so as not to generate any type of fungus.

Having a dream garden is possible, take these tips into account and avoid compulsively buying plants or accessories for the garden that are not part of your design, in this way your garden will not lack or have anything left over. It will be as you always imagined.…

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